Friday, September 25, 2009

Half way there

This week you received your progress reports and know where you stand in this class (for the most part). I still have the Family Tree Projects to enter, but by next week they should be graded.
If you are having difficulty with your Literary Analysis paper or would like to see if you are on the right track go to the following website that breaks down the process:

If you are concerned about your grade here are some upcoming grades that could boost your grade up or bring you down if you are not careful:

1. Four more SAT Questions of the Day
2. SAT Words E-H Quiz (September 29 or 30)
3. Summer Reading Projects (2 required)
4. Literary Analysis Essay
5. Corrido poem for Hispanic Heritage Month
6. Colonial Newspaper Project (due Oct. 14 or 15)
7. Classwork

Remember that the Summer Reading books and projects can be found on the site on the home page.

For the Colonial Newspaper Project here is a list of potential movies you can review:
Dances with Wolves
Last of the Mohicans
Crazy Horse and Custer
Blazing Saddles
Into the West
Little Big Man
The New World
Smoke Signals
The Patriot
The Crucible
The Scarlet Letter

*Remember there is no school on Monday because it is a teacher work day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Eventful Week

We are already half way through the first nine weeks and certain parts of the class should be second nature to you by now. For example:
*SAT Question of the Day (due once a week)
*SAT Vocabulary flashcards (due every other week) E-H are due Monday (even periods) or Tuesday (odd periods)
*Checking this blog :)

Important Dates--
****Open House on Tuesday, September 22nd from 6:30-8:30pm
****Progress Reports on Thursday, September 24th (Failure and in danger of failing notices will be given)

We started our introduction to Literary Analysis essays this week using "The Minister's Black Veil" by Nathaniel Hawthorne as our primary source. The writing of this essay will be done in class only. Thanks to Ms. Parra, the Media Specialist, I will be able to show you more examples of literary analysis essays so that you know what I am looking for.

Family Tree Project Presentations -- WOW! I have such a diverse group of students with all kinds of backgrounds and stories. Have you made the connection yet between your own families and those of the early immigrants to this country? I have a ton of reading to do of narratives about yourselves and other family members, but I am looking forward to it to learn new aspects of each one of you.

Upcoming assignments and projects (because I love you all so much):
1. Colonial Newspaper Project - You will be creating the front page of a newspaper with information on either the Native Americans, Colonial Americans or a mixture of both. I will provide you with the handout that explains everything I want next week.
2. Corridos -- We will learn what a Corrido is for Hispanic Heritage month and you will write your own.
3. Quiz on SAT E-H words either by the end of next week or the following week.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Read This

We have completed our first fifteen days of school and I am now going to start to put on the pressure for some of you.  
**SAT Vocabulary quiz will be on Monday or Tuesday (depending which day you have me).
**Family Tree Project will be due on the 17th or 18th (once again, depending on when you have me).
Those of you who have followed directions, pay attention and take everything I say seriously, I want to thank you all for making my life a little easier.  Your level of maturity will serve you well in my class and in the years to come.
Here are some observations and general concerns:

1. Not following directions.  
Many of you did not receive complete credit for the SAT Vocabulary words A-D because you did not complete all the requirements.  I gave many of you a second chance to fix what you didn't do the first time around, but from now on you will either have it completed on time with all components done or you will not get full credit.
2. Not paying attention.
I clarify many things in class regarding classwork assignments, homework or projects.  For example, the Family Tree Project Part C has now changed.  I want you to use your creativity to present your findings of where your family comes from (replacing the immigration map) and your basic family tree (you, your parents, grandparents from both sides, and possibly great grandparents).  If you have any concerns or issues see me before the due date.
You can present this information in a Powerpoint, on a poster, on a science board, etc.  Be creative because I know you can all do it.
3. Not reviewing your notes.
Many of you were caught off guard with the Literature term quiz, even though both in class and on this blog I warned you that a quiz was imminent.  You must be prepared at all times both in my class and in the real world for whatever comes your way.
4. Absences and new students.
When you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed either from another student or checking the blog/school notes page.  When you return to school you need to show me an excused admit within a week to receive any make-up work or quizzes.  
New students need to get with the program as quickly as possible.  Your grade will begin from the moment you enter the class.  Grades that were issued before you entered the class will not count against you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Speech to Students

Watch Obama's speech to students and post a comment about your reaction to what he had to say to students across the United States.

Heads Up

Tomorrow (Sept. 10th) there will be a quiz on the Literature terms.  I will select random terms from the list of ten I gave in class a few weeks ago and from the one's on the school notes page.  The SAT Words A-D quiz will be moved to next Monday and Tuesday.  Don't forget to do your weekly SAT Question of the Day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Colonial America

As we move on to Colonial American literature do not forget what you learned about the Native Americans.  There will be an assessment in the near future. (foreshadowing) ;)
With that said, I hope you are making the connections between your Family Tree Project and the original colonists of this country.  This country was founded on its immigrants.  
I also hope you are diligently learning those SAT words.  There will be a quiz on them this week.
I am gathering songs for Hispanic Heritage month, so if you have any favorites let me know so I can add them to the blog.
Upcoming grades--
*Composing your own Corrido
*A Native American/Explorers/Colonial Americans Newspaper
*Edgar Allen Poe short stories/poems, partners project

Hope you are having a great Labor Day weekend.  See you soon.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest

I highly recommend you enter this essay contest since there is the potential of winning a full scholarship to any Florida college or university. Here is the topic for this year's contest:

Florida's history is deeply rooted with Hispanic influences. Describe how the early Hispanic explorers impacted our state in the 1500's, and how that has influenced Florida's culture today.

Visit for complete guidelines and entry forms.

I can look over your essay before you submit it.