What an eventful week! Thank you for all your support regarding SB6. Charlie Crist vetoed it yesterday and I would suggest we send an email with thanks because he could have taken the easy way out and done nothing. You can email him at:
Charlie.Crist@myflorida.com1. In other news, we will be starting
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury this coming week and I will be
checking for your novel. Make sure you get a copy from the bookstore, library or downloading it.
2. You also need to review your notes on Ray Bradbury and Fahrenheit 451 intro notes. There will be a
quiz sometime this week. Don't be caught off guard!
Group presentations: Groups will present their topics next week (rising illiteracy, drug abuse, violence in society, population explosion, and materialism/commercialism). You will be graded on your definition of the topic, how it was seen in the 1950s, how it is in today's society and your conclusion as to whether Bradbury's predictions were correct. Total of 5 points doubled (10 points).
3. You will be
peer editing and typing up your
final drafts of the Comparative Essay this coming week.
4. Don't forget about selecting a poem to read for
Open Mic Day on April 28th.
Subject selection is on its way. I will talk with you on an individual basis to discuss my recommendation for you regarding English for next year. Some thoughts to keep in mind:
*Honors/AP is a privilege and is for those students who have the goal of going to college. The purpose of these classes is to prepare you for the type of writing that will be expected of you on the college level.
*I have no idea who is teaching what next year and you should not base your decision off of the teacher, but what you want to get out of the class.
*You know the kind of person you are. If you know you will be one to get senioritis (some of you have that already) then maybe you should consider regular.
Upcoming assignments -- Teacher Appreciation letters and Mother's Day placemats.