Thursday, February 24, 2011

Art Critique

The image above is titled "Moving In" by Norman Rockwell.

The image above is titled "The Problem we all live with" (also by Norman Rockwell)

Norman Rockwell is a well-known, 20th century American artist that depicted American life.

Now that we have finished reading A Lesson Before Dying and have read many pieces by African-Americans in reference to racism and civil rights, I want you to pick one of the images from above and post a comment to the blog answering the following:

1. Describe what you see in the image.

2. What does it mean to you or what message is the image sending?

3. Do you think it is a good representation of American life? (remember the time period is not today)

Make sure you post your comment by March 25th. This will be worth 5 points.

Upcoming Events (Very Important)

*Don't forget that the Quote Assignment is due this week on March 1 (Periods 2,4,6) or March 2 (Periods 1, 3, 5). Please refer to the post from February 2nd for details.
It is worth 20 points!

*You should also be working on your definition essays. I am including the link to the sample definition I went over in class so you can refer to it:
Remember that final drafts of the Definition Essay will be due on March 8 (Periods 1, 3, 5) or March 9 (Periods 2, 4, 6). I will be collecting the Outline, Rough Draft, Peer Edit and Final Draft (typed).

*I also want to make you all aware of the Memorial Service we will be having for Jefferson on March 4 (Periods 1, 3, 5) or March 7 (Periods 2, 4, 6).
I will be passing a list around next week for people to volunteer to bring in refreshments. As a final wrap-up to the novel you will be sharing your favorite part(s) from the novel and turning in an original elegy (a poem to memorialize someone that has passed away.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chapters 23-25 Reading Questions

Read the following chapters for homework and be ready for a reading check next class (2/28 & 3/1).

Chapter 23
1. What does Reverend Ambrose feel Jefferson needs? What is distracting him?
2. What do the children collect for Jefferson? Does he appreciate it?

Chapter 24
3. What is a hero, according to Grant?
4. What is a myth, according to Grant?

Chapter 25
5. What causes Grant to get in a fight?
6. What does this show us about Grant's character?

Chapter 20-22 Reading Questions

1. Jefferson is scheduled to be executed during what holiday?

2. Why was this particular day chosen? What is its significance? (hint: symbolism)

3. Who does Vivian meet? How does the meeting go?

4. What "vicious circle" does Grant refer to when speaking to Vivian?

5. What does Jefferson want for his last supper?

6. What difficulties does Grant encounter while trying to buy a radio for Jefferson?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 17-19 Questions

Chapter 17
1. What lesson or message does Grant give to Jefferson about dying and living?
2. What message does the sheriff give to Grant to pass on to Miss Emma?

Chapter 18
3. Has Grant made any progress with Jefferson? Explain by giving some examples from their conversation.
4. Is Vivian's character pessimistic or optimistic? How can you tell?

Chapter 19
5. Who was the Christmas pageant dedicated to? Did that change anything?
6. What is the significance of the color clothes the children are wearing?
7. What is the deeper meaning of the whole Christmas pageant?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 13-16 Reading Questions

You need to write down the following questions and answer them on your own paper.
They are due on Tuesday, February 15 (Periods 2, 4, 6) and
Wednesday, February 16 (Periods 1, 3, 5).

Chapter 13
1. What report does Grant give to Miss Emma? Is it the truth?
2. Who is more concerned about Jefferson's soul? Why?

Chapter 14
3. Grant and Vivian's relationship goes to a new level. Do they really love each other or do you think it is just lust? Please explain your answer.

Chapter 15
4. What is Tante Lou's opinion of Vivian?

Chapter 16
5. Who makes Grant feel powerless?
6. Miss Emma's attitude towards the whole Jefferson situation shows us what about her character?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Extra Credit for Essay Contest

If you enter the What's Great About America? Essay Contest I will give you extra credit towards this nine weeks.

Go to the following link to get details about the contest:

The deadline is February 28th, so get writing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quote Assignment

Throughout the novel we encounter many significant quotes and or ideas. It is these thoughts that make the novel meaningful.

You are to select 20 quotes from the novel that you find to be meaningful or significant. Write down the page number of the quote and the complete quote. Explain why you selected the quote and its impact on the story for you.

Here is an example of how you should complete each quote:

"He's dead now. And I can't raise the dead." Page 14

This quote is significant because Grant is basically using this as his argument for not wanting to visit Jefferson in jail. Jefferson is like a dead man walking because he has been given the death penalty and no one can stop that from happening. I also found it meaningful because Grant feels he is not a miracle worker and if Miss Emma couldn't teach Jefferson how to be a man after 21 years how is he going to do so in just a few months.

This assignment is worth 20 points.
Due March 1 (Periods 2, 4, 6) or March 2 (Periods 1, 3, 5)

Reading Questions for Chapters 3-8

If you have lost or never received the reading questions for Chapters 3-8 of A Lesson Before Dying here you are. I don't want to hear any excuses that you did not have the questions.

Chapter 3
1. What is the significance of the back door to Grant?
2. What is Miss Emma's plea with Mr. Henri?
3. "I want somebody to do something for me one time for I close my eyes." Why do you think Miss Emma makes this statement?

Chapter 4
4. How does Grant describe his girlfriend, Vivian?
5. What is Vivian and Grant's commitment?
6. What is causing conflict in Grant's life? (more than one thing)

Chapter 5
7. Decribe Grant's classroom.
8. How does Grant treat his students. Give an example.
9. How does Grant use Jefferson as a lesson for his students?

Chapter 6
10. What does the scene of Grant waiting in the kitchen show us about his character?
11. What is your impression of Mr. Guidry?
12. What arrangement is made in regards to Grant visiting Jefferson?

Chapter 7
13. Who came to visit the school?
14. Compare and contrast Grant's behavior as opposed to Dr. Joseph's behavior.
15. What is Dr. Joseph's commentary to Grant about his class?
16. How does Grant respond?

Chapter 8
17. What is distracting the class?
18. Grant begins to question himself about whether he is reaching the students or not. What does this tell us about him?
19. Who is Matthew Antoine? What was his suggestion to his students?