After attending a workshop to better understand
Reading Plus I have decided that everyone will be responsible for completing
two (2) sessions per week.
I will be giving you a weekly completion grade as follows:
5 pts (A) = 2 completed sessions at 70% or above comprehension
3.5 pts (C) = 1 completed session at 70% or above comprehension
0 pts (F) = 0 sessions completed
I will grade you based on the sessions you do from Monday-Sunday for each week.
So the first grade will come from sessions completed between Monday, September 19 - Sunday, September 25.
To reward those that level up, you can earn extra credit for the nine weeks.
5 pts each time you level up or receive a certificate.
**Family Tree Projects are due this week!
Tuesday, September 20 (Periods 1,3,5) and Wednesday, September 21 (Periods 2,4,6)
Remember the memoir and interview must be typed. You will only be presenting your family tree chart, which can be on a poster, powerpoint or an actual tree.
**Summer Reading Quizzes will be the week of
September 26th so make sure you have your books read by then.
SAT Questions of the Day are due to me every Friday! Whether you drop it off or email it to me, if you do not want a zero I need it by 11:59pm Friday. (4th period students, even though I was not in class to collect it you should have given them to the substitute.) No excuses for not having it done.
Ms. Sierra has given me the forms to register for the
PSAT, so if you are interested in taking the test you can get a form from me and return it to me.
Progress Reports will be given out on Thursday, September 22nd.