Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sonnet Assignment

Sonnet Assignment

Pick one of the following choices:

1. Write your own sonnet. Create either a Petrarchan Sonnet or Shakespearean Sonnet using the proper structure from page 303

2. Memorize and recite a sonnet to the class. You can pick a sonnet from the book or online.

3. Select one Petrarchan Sonnet and one Shakespearean Sonnet and break down its structure. Show the rhyming pattern, the stanzas and basic meaning.

Due Tuesday, December 4 (Periods 2,4,6) and Wednesday, December 5 (Periods 1,3,5)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Word of the Day Assignment

In class you should have picked a number from 1-32.

You will go to and find the picture of the word on the right hand side that goes with your number. For example, number one is alloy.
You will click on the picture and it will take you to an article.
After reading the article you will do the following:
1. Write a summary (make sure you include the main events)
2. Write 3 interesting facts or ideas you learned from the article
3. Write how the article applies to your word
You do not have to type up the assignment.
It is due on November 28 (Periods 2,4,6) and November 29 (Periods 1,3,5)

Compare/Contrast Essays

Just an announcement to everyone:
After Wednesday I will not be accepting Compare/Contrast essays.  You need to make sure you have turned in your rough draft, peer edit questions and outline form.  If you were absent then you need to email your essay to me before Thursday, November 22.
If you do not turn it in you are getting a "0" and there will be no make-up.

**Progress Reports will come out the first week of December. 
Many of you are failing already because you are not completing the basic assignments such as SAT/ACT Questions, Reading Plus (2 per week) and the Gladiator Word of the day. 
I am going to make it very clear that I will not be allowing make-up of these assignments at the end of the nine weeks (unless you were absent and show me an excused admit).


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Peer Edit Questions

Peer Edit for Compare/Contrast Essay
1. Do they use an attention grabber? What is it?

2. Does the essay have a clear thesis (main idea sentence in the introduction paragraph)? What is it?

3. What two things are being compared?

4. What areas are being compared?

5. Do they have at least 3 quotes to support their ideas?

6. Are transitional words used to identify points of comparison and contrast? What are they?

7. Does the conclusion paragraph connect to their introduction paragraph? How?

8. Could the writer add or take anything out of their essay? Explain.

*Make sure that someone completes the following questions based on your rough draft.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Compare/Contrast Essay Tips

We have shared your introduction paragraphs in class and are working on body paragraphs now.  Here are some general tips to help you with these paragraphs:
1. Do not start off your body paragraphs with a quote.  You should have quotes to back up your points in your body paragraphs, but the quotes should be within the paragraph not used as a topic sentence.
2.  Follow one type of format.  Either focus on one subject in your first two body paragraphs and then move onto your second subject in paragraphs three and four or go from subject one to subject two then back to subject one and subject two again.

Compare/Contrast Essay Buzz words

In comparison like
In the same way likewise
Just as . . . so similarly

on the contrary
Despite on the one hand . . . on the other hand
Even though
In contrast
This next week we will continue working on body paragraphs and the conclusion paragraph.  You will also be doing peer editing so it is very important that you have a rough draft to exchange with a classmate.

You should be prepared to type up your Final Draft by November 19th (Periods 1,3,5) or November 20th (periods 2,4,6).

This essay will be a major grade so do not slack off!