Monday, March 31, 2014

Fourth Nine Weeks Grades

Week of March 31 – April 4
Grades:  Outline Notes pgs. 895-903 due by April 4th (10 points)
Week of April 7 – 11
Grades: Piano Slam Poem due by April 11th (10 points)
Week of April 14 – 17 (Thursday is Early Release and Friday is Teacher Work Day)
Grades: Advice Presentations (20 points)
Week of April 21 – 25
Grades: Earth Day assignment (10 points)
Week of April 28 – May 2
Grades: Open Mic Day (10 points)
Week of May 5 – 9
Grades: Teacher Appreciation Week assignment (10 points)
Week of May 12 -- 16
Grades: Mother’s Day assignment (10 points)
Week of May 19 – 23
Grades: Resume assignment (10 points)
Week of May 27 – 30

Graduation May 29th

Also, to replace the weekly SAT/ACT question you will be turning into me a weekly "Thing I Learned" (TIL).  In a paragraph you will basically share with me something you learned about life or knowledge in general.  It could be as technical as a new concept you learned in one of your classes or something about life such as how to deal with getting pulled over by a cop.  Through this assignment I just want you to be aware that everyday is a chance to learn something new and that you should always be learning.

You can turn in assignments early.  This is especially a good idea if you know you will be out for Grad Bash, AP and/or AICE testing, etc.

I will be posting the details about each of the above assignments so you can get a head start.

Looking forward to finishing off the year strong!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Extra Credit -- Beyond Credit cards

I have presented to you in class a brief video that went over the basics of credit cards and I went over a Powerpoint with the history, vocabulary terms and rules of how to establish good credit.
Now I want you to find a recent article (from 2010 to the present) that relates to credit cards or credit in general.  It needs to be from a well-known newspaper (i.e. The New York Times, Miami Herald, USA Today, etc.)  It doesn't have to be from the physical newspaper, you can get it from their online website.

Once you have selected an article you will:
A. Print it out
B. Write a summary about it (focusing on the aspects of credit and how it relates to that topic) and
C. Give me your overall opinion about whether this information is useful to you or not.

In order to receive the extra credit points you must present your article to your period on Tuesday, March 11 (periods 2,4,6) or Wednesday, March 12 (periods 1,3,5)!  You can not present during another period.


Here is some general info and reminders:

Don't forget to put your clocks 1 hour ahead on Sunday!  Spring ahead!

Tuesday, March 11th is Senior Panoramic picture day.

I will be entering the last grades for the nine weeks on Friday, March 14th.  The following week I will only be dealing with make-up work.  For those students submitting make-up work:  Do not expect an A or B for those assignments.  Unless you showed me an excused admit, were on a field trip or sport-related event and the assignment is no more than a week late you will not receive anything higher than a C.

Thursday, March 20th is the end of the nine weeks.

Friday, March 21st is a Teacher work day.

Spring Break is from March 24-28.