Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Just as Swift was concerned with the issues of poverty and overpopulation in his country of Ireland, I want you to share what, if anything, concerns you about your future in this country.
If you do have a concern or concerns, explain what concerns you the most and why? Use evidence from a reliable source to back up your answer.
If you are not concerned, explain why you are not. Use evidence from a reliable source to back up your answer.
Instead of collecting papers or having you email me your assignment you must post your answer to my blog (below this posting as a comment).
Your grade will be based on the following criteria:
1. Post is up by the deadline. All periods due by February 28th before midnight.
2. Answering the topic appropriately and using relevant evidence. Make sure to include where you found your evidence.
3. Including your name and period at the beginning of your post.
4. Follow proper grammar and punctuation.
I am looking for honest answers. If you would like to answer using satire you are more than welcome to do so since it is in the spirit of Swift.
Worth 10 points
*I will give extra points on this assignment for people who respond to someone else's post.
**I will also give extra points to the period with the most participation.
A concern that I would have about the future of the United States would be: what is going to happen to those that don’t have jobs? What will be of the unemployment? I found this article that talk about a possible change in employment and how many citizens could end up having a job soon. This article mentions how the United State is increasing in making things. “In fact, the United States is already close to producing more oil than Saudi Arabia.” I have seen in the news that the government is trying to create job searches. There have been many assemblies that are for the unemployed and they go and register for any position that becomes available.
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
ReplyDeleteYes by 2025 were going to owe about 800 trillion dollars to China because we have been borrowing money from them for the longest. We always want China to be our ally we don't want them against us.Going into war with China would be the last thing we want for our future especially since they out number us.Most of our products at home are made from China , so yes we do have a big concern in the future and that's hoping we don't end up in war with our greatest partners.
-Ashley Hinze
Period 1
I agree with Ashley Hinze in what she is saying, insofar as we do get mostly everything from china the only thing the united states probably make is our food from farms and I've seen some sewer drain pipes that say made in USA. so if we break our bond with china we are basically screwed and they do have more people but i don't think that they have the weapons, since we hold top record of weapons.
DeleteMelanie Valle
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
I am not very concerned about the future of the United States, I feel like we have overcame worse times than what we may be facing, and as a country we always pull through when things have gone bad. One example I can relate this to was with the events of 9/11 it was a time of despair, and everyone thought we were going to lose it, but as a country we united and only came back smarter and stronger. I can link this to the fact that we have faced the biggest of tragedys and been more than okay. The United States may not be ready for everything life throws at it, but it sure will come back strong.
Mariah Prado
ReplyDeletePeriod# 1
"Sir David Attenborough warns against large families and predicts things will only get worse"
After reading this article, I couldn't agree more.
Families are producing more children than they can afford. Why would you bring in your child into this world if you can't even afford their life style? More children are growing up depending on their "new bible" social networks & anything that has to do with the Kardashians. This generation and the ones coming up are only worried about the next trend & spending their parents money, living a lifestyle they can't afford just to fit in. New ideas are rarely being brought up, new ways to benefit the environment. On most attempts to better the society are just publicity stunts, they get more talking than action done. My grandchildren will be paying more for college than the average house loan.
They might have to reconsider all their future apps + new social media and actually work harder than any one in their family before. Hopefully, I can pass them down a business so their struggles will be minimized.
Nasser Al-Rabeah
DeletePeriod 2
I can agree that large families will have more difficult times ahead of them. As for producing new ideas, I believe there are always new ideas, or improvements to past ideas. There are a lot of ideas that benefit humanity, there just isn't a lot of support to implement them. As you were saying, this could and will happen because their generation will pay more attention to a free individual lifestyle and do things as they please, as opposed to caring for their country and the environment. I'll tell you that this already happens and we should hope that our future generations will learn from our mistakes. In closing, if we are to be worried about the future of the United States, then the only thing we shoud worried about is teaching our future generation about the world around them, that we are not the only people around; to not be selfish and self-centered -- especially as a country. Also, to teach them wrong from right and to oppose corrupt ideals and to run a functioning country
Anaylis Lopez
ReplyDeleteP.3 2/22/14
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Yes, I’m concern about the future of the United States because everything that goes on in this country affects its people.
One of the major issues that worry me about the United States and it could really affects its future is their debts.
According to the OECD, general government gross debt (federal, state, and local) in the United States in the third quarter of 2012 was $16.3 trillion, 108% of GDP. The ratio is higher if the total national debt is used, by adding the "intergovernmental debt" to the "debt held by the public."
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 23 Feb 2014 at 03:10:15 AM GMT is:
The estimated population of the United States is 317,695,450
so each citizen's share of this debt is $54,816.55.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.64 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Lisahury Hernandez P # 3
ReplyDeleteYes, I am concerned about the United States future, I am concerned about the way we are going on the economy. The United States has offered to help to rebuild the economy on Ukraine when we should be looking for a better way to help our country While they are thinking on helping other countries they should be solving their own problems and trying to find a solution to what its happening today, people without jobs, students who can’t pay their studies, parents separated from their kids because they don’t have a house to live they should be looking all of this before they get involved on other problems.
i agree with your concern because there are people that are living under bridges and that lose their jobs on a daily bases and nothing is being done about it. They should be more worried about having more jobs available for our people and making sure our economy is stable and that we pay the U.S's dept. Then, when we are good worry about the other countries.
DeleteJasmine Rodriguez
ReplyDeleteperiod 1
I am definitely concern for the future of the Unites States. Today, half of the American population has less than five hundred dollars in savings. The income of living will be increased to the state that many people will be taking out mortgages or in foreclosure. Another example will be the amount of jobs available. There are futurist that predict that we will lose half of the jobs by 2030. This is daunting, by the time a college student graduates there might not be a job to hire them. Reading all of these predictions makes me fear the future.
Samuel Betancourt
DeletePeriod 06
I agree with your concern Jasmine, the job outlook of this country is getting worse by the year. That families are earning less and less as the prices of payments and products are increasing by the month. Eventually we will be in more debt as more and more Americans become bankrupt and become jobless. This is an issue that should be taken care of if we are to ever get out of debt.
Yes, I am worried about the future of the united states. I read an article called “As U.S. Birth Rate Drops, Concern for the Future Mounts” in . This article talks about the fact that the number of elderly people is much greater than that of the new born babies. This is a major concern for us in the U.S because the way economy is, people are having fewer babies while the more elderly people are starting to retire. There is a less “replacement level”. Therefore, there is a gap between the working age population and the elderly population who rely on those working. Not only that, but it also damages the stability of the U.S. Affecting our future economy.
ReplyDeleteA modest proposal
ReplyDeleteAngela Tramontozzi
Period 2
I can honestly say I am concerned about my future in the United States of America. My biggest concern would be the technology in the future. Many students now are only focused on their phones and computers and not on the other things in life. Soon everything would be technology including school work and everything you do will be on a computer or whatever is next to invent. No one will know what it is to write their work on a paper and read through a hard cover textbook. Now anything is done online. Also technology in my head is getting out of hand, everything is getting too advanced and it’s starting to get pointless. Who knows how things are going to be years from now. It’s crazy how our future is going to be like and how my grandkids are going to be the one to experience it all.
Reference :
Yureisy Hernandez Period:1
ReplyDeleteYes, I am very concerned with the future of the United States. The depth of the country is slowly increasing according to the national time clock we already owe more than 17 trillion dollars. If this keeps growing we will never get out of debt. The more money we owe the more it affects the people because the taxes goes up and the prices of everything goes shooting up. How is the government going to pay back all the money they owe if they keep borrowing from China?
Nasser Al-Rabeah
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
Have you guys every just tossed out your pennies, without a second guess? Well there's a big debate on whether or not we should keep our U.S. Pennies.
~ Source:
According to the people, penny production is costs more than what the penny is worth. Some say this would save us money for various reasons including limited utility, i.e, not all vending machines accept pennies. As many as there are to discontinue the penny, I'm worried that it's a bad idea. If the penny is stopped prices would go up, because prices would be rounded to the nickel, and I don't see very many people throwing away their nickels at the moment. So if that happened, even numerous small charities would be at stake because they depend on pennies or on small change. Therefore, people would have a lot of troubles trying to adjust to the new circumstances. It's funny how something as small as a penny could be such a sensitive factory in our society.s
Yasnei Torres Period 1
ReplyDeleteYes i am very concerned about the future in the united states i feel like the world is starting to end for example look at venezuela like right now they are going thru hell and in a kinda war becasue of the government today in the news i heard that virginia or a state up north the mananger is saying that gays cannot enter that store and thats not far we are human like you . and what next hispanics cant vote ? its like going back like seperating the blacks and the whites but with gays . i am very concerned about how the future awaits us and the government.
Ailen Matamoros Period:6
ReplyDeleteAre you concerned about the future of the United States?
There are several things that catch my attention and trouble me about the future of the United States. To begin with, a major issue is health care. Healthcare is one of the top social and economic problems facing Americans today. The rising cost of medical care and health insurance is impacting the livelihood of many Americans in one way or another. The inability to pay for necessary medical care is no longer a problem affecting only the uninsured, but is increasingly becoming a problem for those with health insurance as well. This causes a controversy on how a healthcare program should be set up so that everyone can be helped and benefit from having healthcare insurance.
Lets be frank, there will always be issues with the United States one way or another but this time we have serious issues we need to control. I am concerned for the future of our country because of its education system and the way the new generation of students are reacting to it. It is mostly reflected through the rural areas because they lack the funds and resources to support the encouragement students need resist the temptation of dropping out.
Samuel Betancourt
ReplyDeletePeriod 06
I am extremely concerned for the health and well-being of the United States of America. The United States is in one type of debt that would take five to more years to just get rid of. The debt that the United States owes to China is over in the trillions and we owe our own country more money than we do China. We owe China over 17 trillion dollars, and the United States is in bigger debt with a ridiculous amount of almost 61 trillion dollars.
Just recently unemployment has taken its toll as one of the most important issues with a extremely high percentage of 23% being unemployed. If we are to ever get back on track, we have to start giving out work so that those workers can go out to our economy and just buy, buy, buy!
Wendy Almarales Period 6
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion we should be very concerned with the future of the United States. There are certain things we should be worried about but instead what are we concerned about? Legalizing Marijuana. There are people out there dying, homeless,etc.. To me this is very selfish, this is just something people want not need. I am aware that marijuana is good for some medical illness but to me legalizing it is not a priority. We should be worried about all the money we owe to other countries and to ourselves
I totally agree because there are other big problems that we need to worry about and the economy needs to improve and I think the president should worry more about that then legalizing marijuana.
DeleteAre you concerned about the future of the United States?
ReplyDeleteLauren Alvarez Pd.6
Each and every day i witness another challenge my friends and family face due to the struggling economy. Whether its a decrease in income or the 100th notice in paying your bills. Families are barely getting by with this economy and its only getting worse day by the day. Now a days you see familys on the streets, not only in downtown but world wide. Jobs are hiring less, and people are needing more income to support themselves and most importantly their loved ones. When i experience this heart break all i think about is how the hard times will be by the time i have a family of my own and their children. As of right now the way things are going I have great stress towards our future not only because of our terrible economy but what can be the effect of this. Crime rates are escalating towards the roof and its been proven that the economy is the main factor of it all. If this is occurring now in the present just imagine in the future.
I can Imagine the future Lauren, it's going to be chaotic. If the government doesn't stop what their doing now, in the future there won't be an United States to save. After all the people are the one's that are going to suffer.
DeleteAre you concerned about the future of the United States?
ReplyDeleteOf course! Every day I keep hoping that the economy would stop getting worse and work together to boost itself back up. Sadly, the economy and government just keep getting worse and worse. Now we are facing a crisis of becoming the second-class country. What do I mean by second-class country? Well, it means that the U.S. is facing difficult problems such as, not producing enough of our needs to sustain ourselves. America as you know are importing more than what we export. If this keeps up will we keep raising the debt we already owe to other countries. This issue concerns me very much because if this crisis were to not settle down then things will be a lot tougher on me for when I grow up. Not only for me but for all Americans in the U.S. The economy must take action soon or else we will be losing more than what we can gain. A little advice for the U.S. economy: less imports and more exports!
Period 1
Sarai Benitez
ReplyDeletePeriod: 3
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Yes I am definitely concerned about the future of the United States in all aspects but what mainly concerns me is the unemployment rate in our country. According to the Gallup Poll (an assessment of public opinion by the questioning of a statistically representative sample), unemployment is the country's biggest problem as of right now. If the families that are employed are struggling financially, can you imagine how hard it must be for those who are unemployed? "Living" is expensive! Food, gas, rent, insurance, education, the list goes on and on. This is concerning and sad. People all over are stressed, some don't know how they will even get by. It is terrible to think that there is people in our country that are living in this way; in a state of constant worry and fear. If this is happening in our country now, I honestly don't know what to expect from the future. Only God knows. I hope that the employment rate will rise and that there will be more job opportunities for all.
I feel as if the united states is only going down hill. The economy is my biggest concern because if there are people now in2014 that are or live paycheck to paycheck, hungry then can you only imagine what the future brings. Our president is to worried on our health insurance when many people don't have money to even eat how are they going to pay for health insurance. All prices keep rising Food , gas, housing, etc.. I really don't think that our country is going to improve especially with the generation of the future .
ReplyDeleteManuel Valdez, Period 6
ReplyDeleteMy biggest concern for the future of the united states in this economy and where it is headed. I feel if the economy is headed down the path it is where our debt increases at a warming rate that increases every minute. Our government shutdown was a prime example of how our government has been reaching a point of enormous heights. This raises a concern for how will our country be able to sustain itself and be a safe and independent country that will be able to maintain its citizens without having to struggle through a modern depression.
Daylemis Grillo P.6
ReplyDeleteMy concerned about the United States s is the economy. Each individual of us suffer from economy every day some of us get it working hard and other doing bad things. An example is people that comes from other countries to here they suffer the most because they have to pay bills , their house and have to buy things for their children. Living in the United States isn't easy money comes and leaves easy. Some please America make a change we need a better economy for everyone.
Jose Machado
ReplyDeleteFebruary 27, 2014
Period 01
A Modest Proposal Blog Post
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Just recently the Department of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel release the new budget proposal for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The proposal has issued new and great budget cuts, his approach is to create “a sleek new effective army”. He plans to downside the Air Force fleet, reduce payroll and benefits.
This approach is worrying me a little. I stand by our military 100%, those women and men who fight for our country sometimes pay the ultimate price for freedom. It worries me due to the fact that these people are regular citizens, sometimes our neighbors, friends and coworkers, family members.
I am concerned about the future of the United States in regards to this topic because there’s no incentives to be the motivating for Americans to enlist. Of course there is a percentage of soldiers who join for patriotism or to protect the freedom their family enjoys. Now, many of those who enlist are students who need their school to be paid for.
In all honesty I have confidence in the members of congress to just butcher the proposal. If they are like me, they know how little the soldiers get paid in the first place. They would understand that this would really put these soldiers in harm’s way, mentally. Politics is our democracy. Our armed forces are the ones who protect our country.
Jorge Rojas
I am deeply concerned about the future of the United States. As the years proceed, everything with the U.S becomes worse. The downfall of the United States continues. The United States has built up this arrogance in believing that we are the best country but truthfully this isn't the country it used to be. Our economy is at an all time low, our education system doesn't develop but falls lower and lower each year. Everything continues to increase in price, as our economy decreases at this point no one will be able to afford anything especially healthcare. The United States in my opinion worries so much in what other countries are doing and telling other countries what they should and shouldn't do that we are falling apart without realizing it. For example, with the the war on Iraq and Afghanistan no other countries has joined us and it's a never ending battle. If this keeps up, at one point we will be fighting and not know our motive behind it. Speaking on violence, our nation priority has shifted to safety first, yet schools, our learning environments for our future generations has become dangerous as school shootings increase every year.The United States needs to focus on everything that is wrong with our own country before we fall to what might look like a second world status. The weight that will be left on the upcoming generations is tremendous. Especially with the generations growing up lazier and much more violent, its' decisions will either make or break the United States as a country.
Katherine Reyes
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Bloodcurdling, that’s America’s future. Our country’s problems are a snowball rolling down a hill, just getting bigger and bigger. Instead of helping the citizens improve their financial situation we are putting them in higher debt. Not to mention that America’s always going to possess a terrorism threat. However that’s not what’s most concerning about our future, the morals of our very own citizens are slowly going down the drain and in due time we will just be surrounded by corrupt people. How can we live in a nation being run solely by shady compassionless people? Not that most of our leaders aren’t already, but I fear that our people won’t know what’s right from wrong and that doing the wrongs will be right. What we once believed to be petrifyingly incorrect will be normal. For instance, abortion won’t be a huge controversy anymore it’ll be as ordinary as getting your cavities removed. Let’s not forget firearms will be carried around by every individual including children, because it’ll protect them when they feel threatened and help them “stand their ground.” The only thing we can do is raise our next generations to the best of our ability, hoping they reverse our problems and try to make this nation prosper.
I strongly agree with this post. I agree with the fact that not only is the country getting worse but so are its citizens.
DeleteJose Massana
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
One of my main concerns about the United States is the inability for the government to decide a course of action, whether it be for what to do with the economy, or whether or not to work with other countries. It is a scary thing that the president himself would openly say he will use his executive power to bypass Congress "whenever or wherever he needs". Then if that's the case, why even have our branches of government, which divide and equalize the powers of government to have strong and decisive plans of action. Though it is true that we have a great and standing nation, it is sad to see it in the hands people who don't seem qualified to lead it, or people who would rather profit off it than maintain what it was created for; liberty and life. I can only hope that the system will choose its members among the most qualified and honest, instead of the most influential and charismatic.
Sheila Sanchez
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Yes, indeed i am concerned. What mostly attracts my attention is the fact that girls now-a-days just have unprotected sex and have no responsibilities or ideas that there is a big percentage that they will get pregnant. But my concern is the fact that they leave those babies. Left in lakes, Dumpsters, in basements and anywhere, just to get rid of it. babies aren't toys or baby dolls. That you can just have them and get rid of them. If you ever have that situation, the best thing a girl can do is to take it to a church or to a police department, where they would take care of it and provide for a human life. This event is about a girl that had a baby, and she's young. she rapped the baby in a plastic bag and left him in a dumpers. Do you think this is fair to a little human being that cant be defended ? so i worry a lot about the united states. About how people don't have a brain. They don't care and more human lives are getting killed for just a simple stupidity.
I agree that is a problem that we need to deal with and figure out how to solve. Some kids need to realize that their actions have consequences behind them and they can't get rid of them as quickly as they think they can.
DeleteJohn Barbadillo
ReplyDeletePeriod #3
I am not very concerned about the future of the united states. The biggest problem that the U.S is facing right now is the economy and slowly it is recovering. I believe that with the economy getting better, the U.S will be in good shape and the people will be happy. Many problems will be solved and people will stop worrying about their financial status and start focusing on other matters. When the financial crisis gets solved, there will be no need to worry about the united states future.
I believe there will always be a reason to worry about the United States Future. Just because we correct our financial fall out (if that were to even happen any time soon) there is always the fear of being attacked or falling in to another financial crisis. Take a look at these numbers and see for yourself if we are really moving in the right direction.
Cynthia Tapanes
I am definitely concerned about the United States future. We are slowly giving up our rights as Americans. It may start as something small like, how much fat or what kind of food we are allowed to consume… but what’s next? Venezuela, The Ukraine and Egypt are all crumbling down. Cuba and North Korea have been hopeless for years. I believe we’re going to end up in the same position. Once the rest of the world starts falling apart, it only takes a small poke for us to end up just like them. We’ll probably be the last ones to fall but we will fall the hardest. We know because of the leak from NSA that the government is keeping tabs on us but, what about what we don’t know? Just because this is the information that was leaked doesn’t mean this is all they are doing. The United States government is taking away our freedom little by little and without knowledge. This may sound like a ridiculous conspiracy theory but it’s a theory we need to think about!
Jayla Conde
ReplyDeletePeriod #1
What I am concern with is the drop out rates in the United States. We are a country that is lead to be very prestigious and proud of the education system we try to have but hide the fact that more and more students drop out each year. Although their is bigger problems that the U.S. face this should be one that should have about a good amount of their attention as well. Students from the age 16 to 24 that drop out don't even go back to get their high school diploma. If we want to solve problems either related to the economy or the limited jobs we should focus on the people behind it and the education that they lack or have. Once we solve that problem it can help better other ones too.
Genesis Miranda
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
Yes, I am concerned in the future of the unemployment rate in the United States associated with the technological advancement in the working environment. Jobs such as assembly line workers, bank tellers, and telephone operators, are replacing humans with robots that perform the required tasks at a cheaper rate. Many occupations that require little training are being replaced by robotics alone. There are ways for us to better the unemployment rate, such as focusing on more complex careers. This particular labor shift has the power to make or break us, depending on what we do about it. If society decides not to focus on more successful career plans then we are headed into a downward spiral. Since the 18th century, machinery has been applied to the work force in order to help with the manufacturing process. By removing workers, this creates more profit for the company while the unskilled workers are left without a job. This will continue until all workers are replaced by advanced machinery that can work without needing to be repaired. Eventually, humans will be obsolete in the working environment resulting in destitution all around the United States causing the unemployment rate to skyrocket. The reason why this topic worries me more than others is because this is the future that our generation is facing.
Mayrelis Aguirre
I am concerned about the future of the United States. The economy is my main concern when it comes to our future. The debt clock is rapidly increasing and it seems as though the government isn't doing anything to reverse it. The worst case scenario would be that the U.S. goes into bankruptcy then what? The next generation is going to inherit a debt the size of Russia. I believe that instead of the government worrying so much about what we eat they should worry more about all the money we owe to China.
It's even worse when the people in Congress are not even regulating of much of America's tax money they use. If they had a spending limit and used the rest to pay off the debt, we could pay it off in 6+ years (plus because the debt is increasing by the second).
DeleteTania Cruz Period 6
ReplyDeleteYes, I am concerned about the future of the United States - for various reasons actually, but for this post I will focus on one of my concerns, which is the amount of political corruption there is in America currently, as we won’t be able to solve a lot when the problem is rooted in Congress. There have always been problems, as well corruption, both here and anywhere else in the world but the problems that we have now are only getting worse and nothing much can be done when the people currently in politics are working for their own agendas and forgetting that they are working for the people of the United States.
I fully agree and this corruption runs VERY deep. I am talking about down to what we eat and the bombardment of life-treating products and pharmaceuticals in ads all over the net, tv and even streets. They bought out the organization responsible for our health and well-being the FDA! Have you heard the term there is nothing money cant buy? I wonder if for a little more they would poison us... wait here are reports of Fluoride in out local water: " " they state openly that it is in our water yet here is a contradiction written by the same FDA that approved the last: "" Fun Fact: Fluoride was used first in WWII considerations camps to sterilize and mentally suppress Jews and prisoners... that explains all this depression killing around the nation and lack of doing or thinking... well non the less we should all inform ourselves.
DeleteAnaiby Garcia
I'm concerned about the health care of United States.The problems with health care are affecting many Americans: the uninsured and insured, the unemployed and working, children and retirees, single individuals and families. For too many people, the cost of health care has been an obstacle to receiving needed treatment and valuable preventive services. Many working families worry about getting sick or injured because they cannot afford health insurance or basic health care.
Amanda Gomez P:6
ReplyDeleteWhat concerns me the most in the long run is what is going to happen to those who depend financially on the government. Many families in the United States depend on a well-known benefit called Food Stamps. Many receive a certain amount of money every month that helps and covers for food supply in that household. A family of four can receive about $642 on food stamps, however, the amount has been decreasing to $632 to even $432 a month. Studies show, that is exactly 21 meals per month an average of about $1.40 spent per meal. With the problem of the government owing such an immense amount of money, they are forced to decrease & increase important necessities of our every day life. This means families might begin to starve around the United States & will definitely be desperate for money. So they resort to selling drugs for money or even sell themselves. Issues like these can begin to evolve rapidly, this is my concern in the long run.
Arlenis Gort
ReplyDeletePeriod: 2
My main concern about the future of the United States is the use of firearms. According to the statistics, “More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country”. The use of firearms is a persisting problem in the United States and we as a society can’t ignore it because we all are on risk to be involve in a criminal act. The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is a vivid example of the violence level in this country. “The US has an estimated of 283 million guns in civilian hands” but the majority of them use it to commit criminal acts causing panic, fear, and loss of innocent civilians.
Damaris Paz
ReplyDeletePeriod #03
I am Concerned with the future of the United States and the future of this Earth, our population is growing rapidly and we are not talking care of our country and we are constantly polluting. Most people don't know the enormous effect pollution has on our environment. I was one of the clueless citizens that wasn't completely aware of all the consequences due to pollution. We are going to face inhalation risks from air toxic.The risks of having lifetime cancer will be greater than 100 in a million.The destruction we are creating by pollution is occurring at a more rapid rate than ozone can be created through natural processes,I'm concerned about this situation and how its going to turn out, but I'm mainly concerned for the future of our kids and grand kids that are going to suffer the consequences of all the years of pollution.
Jesse Ledo
ReplyDeleteFebruary 27, 2014
Period 2
I am not too concerned with the future of the United States. The reason why i say this is because our government has been through worst and we have still been able to stay strong, safe and survive. We keep the people nad our territory safe. I believe that if we keep heading in the same direction as we are going we will be more than fine.
I disagree. If this country keeps heading in the same direction it can only get worse. Our government is filled with corrupt politicians that feed us lies, invade our privacy and attempt to control every aspect of our lives.
DeleteMeily Avila
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
Yes I am concerned about the future of the United States. The United States economy is extremely bad and we are in debt. On top of that our country is being taken over by electronics and alot of people are losing their jobs. For example, now when you go to factories, machines are doing the job for people. Whether it's making toys, or making cars, people are being replaced by machines, so now all the people that would work in factories get fired because they are not needed. In the future, technology is going to take over, more people are going to lose their jobs, making the United States owe more money that is being borrowed from china, and having families lose their homes because there is money.
Reyna Canales
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
Throughout the years I've seen more and more homeless people. Our economy is just getting worse everyday. I'm scared that my children won't have the same privileges as me. I don't want them to work harder then me but I don't want them to work less then me either. According to Fox News First, almost 50% of Americans have less than $500 in savings. Not surprisingly 1 out of 3 residents of Obama’s home state of Illinois live in poverty. A mind numbing 4 of 5 Americans are either experiencing poverty, foreclosure or welfare, or will in their lifetime. Four out of five.Say goodbye to the myth of the American Dream. It's a nightmare. During the first 10 years, its score rose gradually, and it joined the ranks of the economically “free” in 2006. Since then, it has suffered a dramatic decline of almost 6 points, with particularly large losses in property rights, freedom from corruption, and control of government spending. The U.S. is the only country to have recorded a loss of economic freedom each of the past seven years. The overall U.S. score decline from 1995 to 2014 is 1.2 points, the fourth worst drop among advanced economies.
People born with disabilities are affected emotionally by constant peer bullying. Many children are getting hurt and even teenagers are suffering the same issue. Teenagers and children are not aware of their actions and don't simply care about other's feelings. With all the constant bullying many people born with disabilities are facing a even harder lifestyle than those who don't have a disability.
ReplyDeleteMy link:
Reynold Valdes; Period 3
ReplyDeleteAlthough People all across the world still consider the United States, if not the best country in the world, one of the best in the world, there are present day concerns that definitely worry people. Concerns that if not fixed, could affect the country for years and centuries to come. I personally think there is something seriously wrong with the US education system (Kindergarten through 12th grade). The United States places 17th in the developed world for education, according to a global report by education firm Pearson. For centuries, America has prided itself in being the absolute best in everything, but these consistent sub-par placing’s in education, when compared to other countries are terrible.
If you ask me, I think that the education system in the United States is too easy to get through, doesn’t give enough freedom to the parents and students, and the test scores for standardized test are too low. In the high ranked countries such as Finland, South Korea, and Hong Kong, the education is taking very seriously. Parents get to choose what school their kids go to and every school and teacher is critiqued and researched so parents are putting their students into the best possible educational system. While in the United States, You go to a public school based on where you live, and students are consistently getting moved up from grade to grade knowing very little, to no information about the core subjects that they take about a full year to learn.
According to a statistic by, Only 1 in 4 high school students graduate college-ready in the four core subjects of English, reading, math, and science. Another statistic by the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation in Washington DC states that since 1983, over 10 million Americans have reached the 12th grade without having learned to read at a basic level. Over 20 million have reached their senior year unable to do basic math. Almost 25 million have reached 12th grade not knowing the essentials of U.S. history. While the higher ranked countries in education have a great system that not only teaches the students about core subjects such as math and reading, but is also preparing them for the work force. Another report recently published by Harvard University's Program on Education Policy and Governance found that students in Latvia, Chile and Brazil are making gains in academics three times faster than American students, while those in Portugal, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Colombia and Lithuania are improving at twice the rate.
All these statistics show you how the people of the United States should be concerned for the education of the people. If the education system doesn’t go through some changes I personally think that Parents should he worried about the future students getting put into schools across the United States.
Hernan conde
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Cellular Phones
Cellular phones first became widely available in the United States in the 1990s, but their use has increased dramatically since then. According to the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association, there were more than 320 million cell phone subscriptions in the United States as of June 2011, which is actually more than the entire US population. Along with the large and still growing number of cell phone users both adults and children, the amount of time people spend on their phones has also risen sharply in recent decades. What concerns me the most is the use of the cell phones in the Unites States, we are getting use of talking and texting through the phone that we are forgetting about the importance of talking to a person face to face, we are forgetting about interact with real humans. I am worry about people getting complete addicted to the cell phones and this is something that is going to happen because of the technology and all the new advantages that we have now days this is the only concern that I have about the future of the United States getting addicted to cellular phones.
Giancarlo Dominguez
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
I'd like to start off by saying I did not like Swifts Modest Proposal, even if it was not ever intentionally serious I do not like the idea of even thinking about selling the children as food and clothing even in a comedic way.
I also don't find it comedic that it has gotten to the point where it is better to live off welfare in 35 states than to work for minimum wage. I think that a lot of people are taking advantage of the United States Government. There are women who have three to four children and pretend to be divorced to receive more food stamps and welfare. If you are willing to spend time plotting against the country, maybe you'd make yourself more useful using that same energy to make an honest living. Why should my taxes pay for your lies and children? Something needs to be done and people need to start cracking down on these vile people. That's what is concerning me the most as I am about to start paying taxes of my own and would not want to see them going to a waste.
Thank you
Jon Cervino
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I am not concerned about the future of the United States because I feel that they are ready to hurdle every obstacle that comes at them. The U.S. is not a third world country, it is a superior country in the world and they will not let anything demote them. Therefore, I have no concern about the U.S. in the future, so far we've overcome countless problems and we are still standing strong. The U.S. is going to need a entire collapse of the country for it to give up the fight and just give in.
Jason Rodriguez
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I am concerned about the amount of resources that are and will be used up in the United Sates. During the last 20 years, about 1 billion people entered the middle class and in the next 20 years, there will be roughly 3 billion more people. New consumers means huge amounts of resources being needed and used up. It would also mean that prices will increase for basic commodities like energy, food, and minerals, in turn deepening conflicts among the great powers over resources. The only way I see this issue being fixed is by finding a way to make our resources more efficient and easier to access.
Jorge A. Moreno
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
I am not so concerned about the future of the United States because I am sure we are going on the right way. I can see that based on all the important and significant things that we have done during the last few years as a united nation. However, there is always something out there that can happen or can change the way things are going. We may be on the right track on topics like equality, justice, and protection of our nation. However, one of the main issues right now is the economy. The united states have been suffering dramatically since 2006, when they became economically "free". It has losses in property rights, control of government, and freedom from corruption, being the only country to have recorded a loss of economic freedom during the last seven years. This is clearly the main issue right now that can affect the future of this country. The economy is continuing suffering, even though we are trying our best to make things better. Another thing that can affect the future of this country is the president. None of us know if the next presidents are going to benefit this country and its people, or if they are going to go backwards and impose their beliefs and desires. However, based on today's youth and their will to make a positive change in society, I am sure that we will not have to worry about the United States' future leaders.
Vanessa Fernandez Period: 6
ReplyDeleteAre you concerned about the future of the United States?
Yes I am concerned about the future of the United States and although my list of concerns is infinite I do have one main concern and it is about Gay Rights. It is unbeleviable to me how people work so hard to try and ban this in their state or even oppose it when there are serious issues to worry about. Honestly whom one decides to marry is entirely up to them and no one else. The unemployement rate is increasing and the crime rate is at an all time high, so here is where people should put their main focus, don't you think? Marijuana has been legalized and yet Gay marriage hasnt ,c'mon that's just foolish. Gay Marriage is considered to be the unthinkable and if people would thought otherwise then maybe things would not be as bad as they are.
Giovanni Socorro
ReplyDeletePeriod #1
Yes after reading lots of articles i am concerned about the United States in the future! We always have problems but if we have problems now the ones that will occur later on i think will be way bigger. One of the biggest problems i thing will be bad is the dept. that we're in, Ten years ago, the CBO predicted that we’d be $7.6 trillion in debt by now. At $16 trillion, the reality is more than twice as bad. By the year 2021 we will be in debt by $21 trillion. I think what can help this country get out of debt is opening the borders, also making the retiring age somewhat older, and taking cues from ago the retiring age somewhat older, and taking cues from abroad.
There are several concerns American's should take into consideration, I am certain you may agree, several include concerns of economic and well-being. In my opinion I could care-less about jobs or healthcare because the main concern we should have is "Advancing as a race." This means no more suppressing society through limitations like puberty, wealth, power, religion, health and politics. Specially the lustful pursue of what I consider to be the most evil invention to mankind, Money which for some reason is more important than love, evolving, and being a good person. Where people like Nikola Tesla, who invented a fully electric motor over 100 years ago, among several other inventions. And Dr. Max Gerson, who cured cancer and the mayor illnesses that we all know have killed to many, considered quakes for contributing to "humanity" But people like the Rockefellers and Hugh Grant who sicken and monopolize mankind, which by the way hold enough wealth to twist this nation to their rules. That's just two examples from a long list of true menaces to society, who have also terminated human icons like Martian Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and other "freemen." Research these names and understand that money is just a commodity, a tool like any other. Not something that such govern and limit you. Not the same money that corporations use to tilts the votes toward their benefactor's agenda monopolize nations, treating use like the next "cash cow." Here are some references: SImple Google; *Nikola Testla The Truth* *Max Gerson The Truth* *GMO Truth* *Social Engineering* *Hidden agenda george soros*
ReplyDeleteI believe this was enough for today.
Yailin SantaMaria
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
I am concerned about the future of the United States because of discrimination. For example, this past week Arizona attempted to pass a bill (SB1062) that has divided the state. However, Governor Jan Brewer still has to sit to listen to both sides and decide whether to veto or sign the bill. Even if it does get vetoed, the fact that a state even thought about passing such a bill is degrading. Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, whom helped write the bill, claimed that it was created due to “religious liberty” which I believe is nothing but lies on top of lies. People who are not even religious but just don’t like gay people can easily get away with not serving them just because of a bill, and claim that “gays are against their religion.” I believe that if the United States really is “free” and there are some states that approve gay marriage, why would another state not even allow people to not be served because of their sexuality? It is very contradicting and if this bill does get signed, who knows what the next step will be?
I completely agree that discrimination is something that should be a concern to the people of the United States. Little by little discrimination is getting worse in the countries; people are talking bad about homosexuals, African Americans and Hispanics. I feel like those are the three touchiest topics that people always tend to talk about.
Delete-Yureisy Hernandez
Linet Esponda P.1
ReplyDeleteMy only concern about the future of this country, is the education. Thirty years ago, The United States was the leader in quantity and quality of high school diplomas. Today, our nation is ranked 18th out of 23 industrialized countries. The US's education assessment is largely derived from graduation rate. Every year, only 69% of American high school seniors earn their diploma. Each year, 1.3 million high school students fail to graduate on time. The 6 million high schoolers in the bottom 25% of their class are 20 times more likely to drop out than their peers in the top 25%. If the 1.3 million dropouts from the Class of 2010 had graduated, the nation would have seen $337 billion more in earnings over the course of the students’ lifetimes. Approximately 6 million students grades 7 through 12 are struggling to read at grade-level. Among the highest, 70% of 8th graders read below the standard. Other concerns in education es teacher quality. Teacher quality is one of the most significant factors related to student achievement. In the U.S., 14% of new teachers resign by the end of their first year, 33% leave within their first 3 years, and almost 50% leave by their 5th year. In the workplace, 85% of current jobs and 90% of new jobs require some or more college or postsecondary education. Roughly half of the students who enter a 4-year school will receive a bachelor’s degree within 6 years. In schools made up of 75% or more low-income students, there are triple the number of out-of-field teachers than in wealthier school districts. High schools are not preparing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel after graduation. Only 1 in 4 high school students graduate college-ready in the four core subjects of English, Reading, Math, and Science. The education is one important factor that not only concerns our present, but also our future.
Maydelin Davila
To be honest , yes I am concerned. Even though I wasn't born in the United States I consider it my country, so whatever happens here involves myself. One of the many things I am concerned about is our president Obama , I'm not happy with him or the way he tries to "fix" our country. More than half of the population would agree with me on this. Even since he became president our country has gone through major changes and laws. Obama has done more bad things than good , if he stays in office I believe we won't be a free country anymore. Think about it , wanting to ban arms , Obamacare Never before in American history has one party been arrogant and paternalistic enough to push through a massive entitlement program that was wildly unpopular with the American people and had zero votes from the opposing party. If it isn't stopped, Obamacare will destroy America's health care system by dramatically driving up the cost of care, rationing care, instituting death panels, driving tens of millions of Americans off their health care policies and more , also he failed to provide leadership on the economy and his administration messed up in Benghazi. I could mention a lot of other facts and things that he has done but let all of this sink in. Honestly soon we won't be the best country in the world anymore if things keep going this way.
Gregory L. Rangel
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
I have always been concerned with the future of our society in the United States. Our country's President Obama hasn't been doing a grand job in keeping the promises he told to us people and he is making our country more in debt compared to before where we owed a lot more than now. President Obama has been up to making his own party aside from the democratic and they wish to stop Obama before he starts such party that can affect our country and future with such change. Obama Care is a promised health care by Obama which was done but it isn't a free health care as he promised, in our land nothing is free. The cost of our taxes and everything that affects the economy in the future doesn't look bright with the President we have now. Through my statistics and knowledge, pray to god that this country doesn't go under another Great Depression. To answer the question, the future again seems to be falling and not looking bright with the leadership and broken promises we have to this day. I hope the country lifts it's act up and get to fixing and healing our country.
Alexander Mora
My main concern for the future of the United States would be laziness. As time passes by technology advances. technology basically makes life easier. With technology advancing the laziness of the population will raise. For example the new model cars are coming out with parking assist. parking assist parks the car for that you don't have to park your car anymore. i've even heard of laser assist cruise control, what that does is practically drive the car for you it controls the distance between you and the car in front of you. with that being said technology is going to just do everything for us.
Andrew Fabre
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
As a current generation about to enter the workforce and college life where nothing is free anymore, this requires for us to find a job, get our bank accounts and enter the school of life. My current concern for the future of ours has to do with the fact that our job opportunities are slowly diminishing and even with our degrees we will get in the future some people can't even get a job. Thus, the loans and interest will rise, making lives harder for us all. According to CNN, (Source: the economy is stable, but won't make much progress nor digress either, making it just a mediocre year so far. But my hopes is that it will grow and improve by the time we all graduate and enter the United States workforce, and hopefully we can domino effect the economy back into good shape for our future.
Unemployment definitely beats everything else to the top of my list of concern because the situation its getting way out of hand. I had personally seen a family with 2 little kids out in the street asking for money just so they can feed their kids. Also, the fact that many college graduates can't even find a job in their study field makes me wonder if i'm going to end up that way, if what i'm going to study has available positions afterwards. As said in, the number of college graduates working minimum wage jobs is nearly 71 percent higher than it was a decade ago, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest figures.
-Paola Aguirre-Cruz
Arlety Mendez
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
Yes, I’m concerned about the future of the United States, particularly about the increase of violence, which is a serious social and economic problem in our country. Firearms play a large role in violence in the U.S. because of their availability and ease of access. According to some statistics, in 1996 there were 32,436 firearm-related deaths, and more than 70% of homicides were committed with a firearm. The youth seems to be the more affected by this problems, that’s why I’m so concerned. Each day, 17 youths between the ages of 15-24 are victims of homicide, and despite all the efforts in schools, studies rank the United States as the first in the list of homicide rates for males 15 through 24, compared with those in a sample of other developed countries. This also has an economic impact, since more than $4.5 billion are spent each year on medical costs for operations, hospital care, rehabilitation, and other forms of therapy and long term care, for victims of violence. I hope something is done to change this, because soon people will go out with the concern if they will return home safe, and that’s not the future I want for my children.
Pamela Bernal
Are you concerned about the future of the United States?
To be honest, yes I’m concerned about the future of the United States and I think that the most concern is the unemployment. Jobs and unemployment the most pressing problem facing the United States. Concerns over jobs and unemployment displaced government and politicians as the No. 1 problem facing the country now, results indicated. And that can affect the economy OBVIOSLY, that’s the second biggest problem in the United States. In my opinion I think that weak jobs concerns over economic recovery. And what happen America affects us as citizens of the United States.
Jennifer N. Fernandez - P:6
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm concerned about the future of the United Sates. As we go deeper into the actual situation of this nation, we find ourselves with an enormous national debt that exceeds the 17 trillion dollars, which increases day by day only to reflect the wrong management of this country. This debt is my major concern towards our future and the future of the nation, it is calculated that this debt we own to various nations will increase as the years pass by, something that will affect the economy as prices, interests and taxes will increase to fullfill the need of money and stabilize the economy. I'm strongly concerned that on the future we will not make enough money to fullfill our needs as prices will be rising to inexplicable rates, It only means that we will be slaves of the nation until that debt is cleared, As it is exponed on this source Americans will have to work hard or we will be facing an endless nightmare "the end of the Anerican Dream".
Luis Perez
Money is one of the biggest problems, because everybody needs it and there's not enough for all of us. Analysts predict that by 2050 the situation will be even worse, because there will be even more people and a bigger need for jobs. Another problem with people finding jobs is that some are being replaced by machines, like cashiers in supermarket for examples. Another problem Americans are facing is that a lot of neighborhoods are getting more "diverse" because of immigration and for instance sometimes they lose some job opportunities.
We as citizens of the United States are very blessed but I am also worried about the future of our country. There are many problems in this country that people are worried about but I feel like the 4th amendment is being violated more and more each day. There are always new stories about policemen shooting unarmed citizens before even establishing what the major issue is. Innocent civilians have lost their lives due to careless shootings in the past and its only a matter of time before the situation gets worse. Also, even though we are free in our country the government is only getting better at robbing its citizens of their privacy and it has been said that by the year 2020 there will be at most 30,000 drones expected to occupy the U.S airspace. Spying on Americans isn’t the way the United States is supposed to be, this country has gone through many changes and I am fearful that it will only continue to change for the worse.
Period 2.
Matthew Paz
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
I am very concerned about the national debt of our government. Gas, food, clothes prices are sky rocketing. The government owes 58 trillion dollars to countries around the world.
According to the IEF guide, after reaching a yearly high of 2.97%, the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasuries has since fallen by 12.5%. Put another way, the bond market is saying that it doesn't care about the fiscal realities of the U.S. government's unmanageable debt load. Eventually, when it does start caring, that reality will be first reflected in key price levels highlighted in our latest Technical Forecast.
Idyel Toribio
ReplyDeleteperiod 3
My main concern for the united states would be advancing technology. As technology advances the more we depend on it so if a machine or computer break we become useless on till the problem is solved. This also means less jobs for humans because machines can do the same thing as a person but more efficiently and it would cost less. As technology advance we become more lazy which can lead us to think that we don't need an education because technology can solve all our problems. Technology can cause an increase in unemployment because company's want something that can produce more and it is cost efficiency, which means human looses value.