Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day Reflection

This is a picture of the young Ms. Manfra (on the right) and her sister Monica (left). I am going to call it -- "admiring nature." :)
In honor of Earth Day, April 22nd, I would like you to share either three examples of how you can help preserve the Earth or share a picture of yourself that captures your appreciation of nature (please include a short paragraph explaining the picture).
You can either post your comment to the blog or turn it into me.
Your assignment is due by April 29th.


  1. "Earth Day"
    * To begin with Earth is the planet we live in.A very beautiful environment,it should be kept like that every day,unfortunaly it’s not.One way we can help preserve the Earth is by turning off the lights,turning off the running water from the sink,unplugging the cellphone charger or Ipod charger when not in use at the moment.Also recycling plays a big role on how to preserve the Earth.And lastly according to surveys,about 65 million newspapers are printed every day in the US.Some 70% of them will not be recycled. What a waste of trees! You can do your bit to help,and read whatever news you want to read at the same time simply by going online.
    Joyce Santiago P:2

  2. "Save the Earth...One Step at a Time"
    Earth will not last forever and i try my best to do what i can to conserve its beauty and natural resources. Some ways i help out planet earth is by turning off the water when i brush my teeth, and by always recycling in my house. Recycling is something really easy to do and helps out our planet a lot. Other things i do is conserve energy by always having the lights off especially if im not in the room. Simple things like turning off the lights and recycling will help us conserve our planet.

  3. *Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously
    *Copy and print on both sides of paper.
    *Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.
    these are all things that to me seem so small but can make such a big difference . most of the time people could be saving the environment, not leaving the water on ? not a big deal take you time. printing on both sides of the paper is saving so much paper and turning of electronics is something we all forget to do but its just one switch away !

  4. Three Examples on how I'd preserve Earth:
    1. Walking, riding a bike, or car pooling to places. This will help reduce greenhouse gases and every car off the road makes a difference.
    2. When finished drinking soda, recycling it buy throwing it away in a different bin which is used for recycling. Also, when choosing to buy a product, choosing the one with the least packaging.
    3. Being careful when using water and making sure not to waste too much. For instance when brushing my teeth or washing my hands, turning it off will make a difference.

  5. *Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
    *Don't leave the water running when your not using it.
    *Recycle plactic, glass, etc so it can be reused instead of going to waste.

    Even though these are small little deeds, these small deeds can really help save the earth. these are just three little things that you can do on a daily basis to help out our planet. Recycleing plays a big role in conserving our planet. by reuseing whatever it is we may not need we can reduce the amount of garbage being sent to land fills. this can really help out!

  6. *Bring my own bottle of water and buy less plastic bottles.
    *Walk more, use less fossil fuels.
    *Convert all household lightbulbs to LED's
    These are some ways to be able to be green and to help the environmentto conserve its supplies and beauty. Plastic bottles actually take more time to get rid of than a a human lifetime. Conserve fossil fuels, walking more can be beneficial for you and the planet. LED's are very helpful, not only does it make the light bill cheaper but it also conserves energy.

  7. Henry polledo

    our planet is in great danger day after day that danger grows do to lack of care toward our planet.there are simple things we could to to help save mother earth. for example one thing we can do to save mother earth is to stop littering. littering is bad because it harms the earths wild life. another way to save the earth is to conserve water. conserving water as a vital way to conserve the earth because the earth only has one percent of drinkable water and it takes up allot of energy to purify salt water. final another way to preserve the earth is to go green and promote the well being of our planet not only on earth day but on a daily basis. what i mean by going green is to recycle, use less energy and do things that would benefit the earth. for example use only one paper for two assignments.

  8. We can easily unplug our cell phone chargers after we are done using them. THis saves electricity and lowers the money cost for the one who pays the bill. Another solution is recycling everything material we can, reusing all the materials that can be reused and conserving and using at max any material we cant renew. MY last idea is simply producing new ways of transportation that does not affect our enviroments as much, for example coming up with new cars that have a better gas mileage. Christian R. P-2

  9. The Earth is a one of a kind planet that harbors intelligent beings. It's too bad that these beings are to hard headed to understand the amount of damage we've been doing to this planet! we could easily just e-mail our documents or papers to our superiors in order to save loads of paper. By recycling our products even more while simultaneously planting new trees, we could probably reduce the amount of CO2 in the air. we could actually go out side for some real FRESH air. This is a no brainer, instead of driving your car to a nearby place, why not walk or jog to your destination. we've this one most of our lives yet we still don't apply it to our life. if we use these ideas, our planet could maybe last longer and be a healthy planet again

  10. The Earth is very delicate and everyone should be doing all they can to make sure it's as clean as possible. Some simple ways to help out the Earth include:

    1. If you are leaving a room, even for a second, turn off the light and turn it back on when needed. This may seem small but can save so much electricity.

    2.Sometimes, we plug in the toaster to make a quick snack but leave it plugged in even after we are done. Unplugging appliances that are not being used saves tons of energy.

    3.Whenever you have to print out more than one page, print out the work front & back in order to save paper.

    These steps may seem insignificant, but they make a difference.

  11. 1. Don't eat fish. Did you know that all oceans are being over-fished? We are literally killing the fish species. Avoid eating salmon, tuna, and shrimp. One less fish you eat, one more fish that can make 20 more fishes. (Search it up! Oceana)
    2. Buy a hybrid or fuel efficient car. Saving on gas saves the planet and the workers in South America. (Search it up! Chevron Toxico campaign)
    3. Recycle your newspapers. If every newspaper was recycled, it could save about 250,000,000 trees.

  12. Planet Earth, oh planet earth. We must step up to save it if not it'll go into more danger then what it already is. Some steps that may help you contribute into saving mother earth are the following:

    1: Saving water. Take shorter showers or between showers turn off the water. That can save gallons of water instead of just running off water.

    2: Turning off all the lights when you aren't using them or unplugging plugs that aren't in use saves tons of energy. For example, setting your air to 78 degree conservers a lot of energy.

    3: Recycling. Instead of just throwing away paper or plasitc, recycle them. This makes them usable for other stuffs and it saves trees when it comes to recycling paper

  13. We only have one planet Earth and we should take care of it as much as we can. Most of the people are not informed on how to preserve it.
    1. Unplug appliances you dont use often.
    2. Buy reusable shopping bags instead of using plastic bags every time you go grocery shopping.
    3. Always try to car pool. It uses less gas and saves our environment.

    -Jose Diaz 3rd Period.

  14. Our planet instead of be clean we humans dirty it more.
    How I'm going to preserve Earth is by not throwing trash to lakes or rivers because then the waters are getting contaminated and the fish with so much junk can die because of it. Also, I will turn the lights off from a room that is not in use that way we as well save electricity. Lastly, use less cars and more walking or bike that way we don't contaminate the air.

  15. 3 ways in which you could preserve the Earth would be:
    1. Save electricity: when you leave a room or go downstairs/upstairs, turn off the lights of the room or unplug chargers or appliances that aren't being used.
    2. Help decrease the level of air pollution: carpool with friends that drive, which will decrease the amount of pollution in the air and also creates less traffic, and help conserve gas.
    3. Minimize the amount of trash: buy the reusable shopping bags they sell at supermarkets which are cheap and better than using up hundreds of plastic bags. If you end up using plastic bags, reuse them for many other things. Also, reuse notebook paper that can come in handy.

  16. 3 ways where I could help preserve the Earth:

    1. Recycle: All it takes is a couple minutes of the week to go through the house to collect all recyclable materials in the house that aren't being used and just simply taking them out into the recycling bin.
    2. Conserving Energy: By conserving energy, the Earth can be helped because that means that we do not need to use that many nonrenewable resources to burn to create energy. I could disconnect my phone/ipod charger when I know that my phone is fully charged or turn of ceiling fans when there is nobody in the room.
    3. Preserving Water: The less water we use, the less water we are wasting that we would probably need for many other things. I could turn the water off while I'm brushing my teeth in the morning, take shorter showers and turn off the water in between showers.

    With all these things, I think I can be living a "greener" life thats good not only for myself but for the planet.

  17. There are many ways we can preserve the Earth.
    One can be to recycle all the papers,plastics and glass items you usually throw away. It takes just a couple of seconds to dump them into the recycle bin. Another way is to turn off all the lights when leaving a room and unplugging appliances that are not being used. The third way you can preserve the Earth is by walking more to areas and not use cars and pollute the air.

  18. There is several things one can do to preserve our planet. Earth day shouldn't just last for one day, we should think about our planet everyday. It is home to all all of us and we should take that into consideration. Three ways to preserve earth is by not throwing trash on the floor, rather a recycling bin or any other place indicated. In addition, turning off the lights when they are not necessary, for example, when we are sleeping in and the light is turned on in the kitchen. Third, putting the TV on sleep mode so it can turn off by itself if you need it to fall asleep at nights.

  19. Three ways I could help preserve the Earth is by:
    1. Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short amount of time.
    2. Shut off the faucet in the sink and bathtub because over a long period of time a leaky faucet would cost you hundreds of dollars in water bill and a whole bunch of water would be wasted.
    3. Not littering and picking up after myself. For instance at school, trays and wrappers are always found on the floor and on the table so by picking up after myself i could reduce the amount of garbage in our school. Thus, preserving the earth and our school environment.

  20. Three ways we can preserve the Earth is by:

    1) Buying plain white toilet paper, tissues and paper towels. Dyed paper pollutes.

    2) Choose a light colored car with tinted glass to lessen the need for air conditioning.

    3) Remove unnecessary items from your car. Each 100 pounds of weight decreases fuel efficiency by 1%

  21. Melissa Martinez Period 3

    Everyone knows the usual three ways to keep the Earth clean, conserve energy and save our planet for the generations to come. But there are so many other ways to help out, simple & easy things you can do everyday to make a difference.

    ~ Don't throw away your glass ! Glass is the product that takes up the most energy and the most threatning to throw out. Recycling the glass takes up 66% of the energy used to make it. Sometimes it better to reuse than to recycle.

    ~ Most stores now offer the option to use re-usable bags. They are not only cute but reduce the use of plastic bags and the waste of plastic bags. Usually these plastic bags end up in lakes or in the ocean, which can threaten the life of sea animals.

    ~ Change your way of eating & buying produce. Once a week begin to eat organic food and food thats aren't processed. Support locally produced food and meat. Changing the way you eat, will not only make you healthier but will also cut down on gas usage & methane release from cows.

  22. As day and day goes by the earth seems to get more damaged & by far the saddest part is that its done by those living on this earth. It is up to us to make a difference for the next upcoming generations. Life is beautiful, when you take the time to capture it, even the smallest things have beauty within them. Perhaps there are various of ways to help preserve the earth.

    1. One good way to help preserve the earth is by turning off the lights of an area when not needed. We all are guilty of leaving the lights on when unnecessary.
    2. If everyone would take the time to stop littering, the world would be such a better place, not only does sea life get damaged by liter but it makes our surroundings look ugly. If we all begin to pick up trash it would most definitely help out alot.
    3. Lastly if people would take the time to walk to places more or find better ways of transportation other than anything including gas, the world wold be in better hands. Pollution is nonetheless a major problem, and reducing the amount of fuels released in the air would help reserve the world

    If every household in the United State replaced one regular lightbulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.

    2. DON'T RINSE
    Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you're saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.

    3. HANG DRY
    Get a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and fit, and you'll save money.
