Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Almost Done

First things first. I wish all of you a restful and safe Memorial Day weekend. No school on Monday! Yippee!!!!!

With that said, I have given back to you your index cards with your goals that you wrote down the very first day of school. Do not loose this card because it will be counted as points towards your final exam essay.
Final Exam Essay:
**Your essay will address whether you met your goals or not for this year. You need to clearly state your goals, whether you met them or not, explain why you did or didn't and make sure you include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Use the skills we have worked on all year to show me your best writing.
It is your choice whether you would like to type up your final exam essay or not.
~Alternate final exam topic (for those that did not have me at the beginning of the school year only): What skills or lessons have you learned in my class that have been the most helpful?

Tuesday, June 1st my former students are coming to speak about their college experience. I passed out the green forms and those will be your pass out of class when they make the announcement. The presentation will be during 4th period from around 10-11:30. Make sure you think of some questions that you would like to ask them. This is a great opportunity -- take advantage.

Now that I have closed out the gradebook for the 4th nine weeks I would like to make some final observations.
1. Meeting deadlines -- Most of you learned this early on in the year and your grades reflect the responsibility of turning assignments in on time. Others of you have still not learned and I am sorry to say will continue to suffer not only academically, but also when you enter the workforce.
2. Lack of effort -- Most of your end of the year projects were creative and followed directions. Others were lacking (you know who you are). I know it is the end of the year and we all want to be done, but throwing something together without effort is not going to earn you a good grade. You should always try your best no matter how tired or unmotivated you are.
3. Don't bite the hand that feeds you -- Many of you have taken advantage of my kindness and understanding this year. To put it in SAT terms, I am a magnanimous person, but can only take so much. If you did not get a good grade this nine weeks you have no one to blame but yourself. Do not come asking me for a second chance because I have given you more than that. Some of you may not have gotten your 5 points needed for the second half of the year. You still have the final exam to make it happen.

Let's finish out the year strong!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final Exam Schedule

Essay Exam Schedule:

June 2nd- Periods 1 and 5
June 3rd- Periods 2 & 4
June 4th- Periods 3 & 6

Objective (Multiple Choice) Exam Schedule:

June 7th- Periods 2 & 4
June 8th- Periods 1 & 5
June 9th- Periods 3 & 6

No Final Exams can be taken ahead of time. If you are not here to take the test on the scheduled day you can make it up on June 10th or 11th or during the summer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Year in Review Project

So we have reached the end of the year and it is time to revisit everything we have covered this year.

In your groups (4-6 people) you will create either a video or skit that will include the following components:

1. Present two of the topics we covered in class this year. You can do it in a funny or serious way. I do not want repetitions in each period so you need to let me know ahead of time what topics your group will be covering. You can either email me, post it to the blog or speak with me in person.
2. Include a favorite memory(ies) from this year. It could be serious or funny.
3. Video or skit should last 5-10 minutes. That means you should be thorough and specific with your topics because these presentations will be a sort of review for the final exam.
4. Submit to me a summary of the two topics and memory that you present with all the group members names on it.

If you have any additional questions please come and speak to me.

Due date: May 26th (periods 1,3,5) and May 27th (period 4)
Worth 10% of your 4th nine weeks grade.
There will be no extensions! You must present on your day.

Here Ye! Here Ye!

The Renaissance Festival will take place on Tuesday, May 18th.

I will offer 5 points extra credit to students who bring a main dish for the event. For example, Shepherd's pie, chicken, lasagna, pork, and stew. Please let me know ahead of time if you will bring something. You must bring the dish to my room first thing Tuesday morning so that I can input your points.

Please no desserts. 11th graders are scheduled to attend the event during 5th period.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Moving right along

Now that Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week activities are done it is time to get back to our novel -- Fahrenheit 451. Here are some reading questions that you need to complete by May 11th (4th period) or May 12th (periods 1, 3, 5):
(These questions apply to pages 1-40, which you already should have read. Refer to the blog from Friday, April 23rd.)

1. How is life in Guy Montag's house different from Clarisse's house?

2. What does Mildred do all day?

3. What inferences can you make about Guy and Mildred's relationship based on their conversations?

4. How is the Mechanical Hound described?

5. How does Clarisse describe school?

6. Why is Clarisse afraid of children her own age?

7. Do you agree with Clarisse's comment: "People don't talk about anything."? Explain why you agree or don't agree.

8. Who was the first fireman (according to the Fireman's handbook)?

9. What does Montag take from the house at Elm, City?

10. Why do you think the old woman, Mrs. Blake, is willing to burn with her books?

Some of you really need the points so just do it!

*End of the Year project will be discussed in class.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We have a Winner!!!!

Congratulations to Moises Altamirano who is a finalist in the Piano Slam poetry competition. He will be reciting his poem at the Adrienne Arsht Center next Wednesday, May 12th @ 7:30pm. Tickets are free if you go to www.arshtcenter.org

Grades and Assignments for week of May 3rd - 7th

You should have analyzed and scored your "Birthday Party" response by the end of the week. I want you to score it so that you learn what I am looking for when it comes to an on the spot literary analysis.

Mother's Day placemats need to be shown to me no later than Friday unless you want it laminated and in that case I need it by Wednesday. Remember it is a grade and Mother's Day is this Sunday. After Friday it is an automatic zero.

Teacher Appreciation activity:
You can either turn in a letter to me written to a favorite teacher or you can do something more creative like a Powerpoint or a picture that I can send via email to that teacher. This is also for a grade so don't let it pass you by. After Friday it is also an automatic zero.

Progress Reports come out on Thursday. Many of you will be receiving unsatisfactory notices mainly because you are not turning in required assignments. By this time of the year the SAT Question of the Day should be automatic -- you should be doing it in your sleep. Whether you are out or not you know it is due every Friday. There are no excuses. The Comparative Essay rough draft and final draft are worth 10% of your grade for the nine weeks. You are responsible for completing your work. I have shown you examples of how to write a thesis. There is link on this blog so you can see the format for the essay. I can not write the essay for you.

We will finally be going in for subject selection this week and it is important that you have your forms ready to go (i.e. Honors/AP Recommendation form signed by you, your parent, and teachers).

I have not forgotten about Fahrenheit 451. I will be providing you with reading questions to complete over the weekend.