Friday, May 7, 2010

Moving right along

Now that Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation Week activities are done it is time to get back to our novel -- Fahrenheit 451. Here are some reading questions that you need to complete by May 11th (4th period) or May 12th (periods 1, 3, 5):
(These questions apply to pages 1-40, which you already should have read. Refer to the blog from Friday, April 23rd.)

1. How is life in Guy Montag's house different from Clarisse's house?

2. What does Mildred do all day?

3. What inferences can you make about Guy and Mildred's relationship based on their conversations?

4. How is the Mechanical Hound described?

5. How does Clarisse describe school?

6. Why is Clarisse afraid of children her own age?

7. Do you agree with Clarisse's comment: "People don't talk about anything."? Explain why you agree or don't agree.

8. Who was the first fireman (according to the Fireman's handbook)?

9. What does Montag take from the house at Elm, City?

10. Why do you think the old woman, Mrs. Blake, is willing to burn with her books?

Some of you really need the points so just do it!

*End of the Year project will be discussed in class.

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