Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trick or Treat!

In the spirit of Halloween and Gothic Literature I would like you to pick and complete one of the following assignments to turn in on Monday, October 31st (Periods 2,4,6) or Tuesday, November 1st (Periods 1,3,5):

1. Write two poems with a minimum of 30 lines for both (example one poem can be 20 lines and the other poem 10 lines). The subject of the poem can be either Halloween related or use Gothic elements (refer to your notes).

2. Write a persuasive essay (at least 500 words) as to whether Halloween serves any real purpose or is it just another holiday that businesses have created to make money.

3. Write a scary story using Gothic elements and have a minimum of 500 words.

Watch the following video clip to help you get in the right mood to write:
Thriller lyrics by Michael Jackson (sorry, the actual music video was over 13 minutes long)

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