Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Parody Song Project

For this project I want to see how creative you can get with song lyrics.

You can work by yourself or with a group (up to 5 people).
1.Select a song
2.Write a biography of the singer or group (for example, when they were born, where they are from, how did they become a singer, the names of their albums or most famous songs, etc.)
3.Print out the original lyrics to the song
4.Rewrite the song as a parody (a funny version of the song) and print out those lyrics as well
5.You will either create a music video for the song or a Powerpoint with the words to the song with images related to the song.

You will present your songs on April 9 (Periods 2,4,6) or April 10 (Periods 1,3,5)
It will be worth 10 points (doubled)

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