Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Robin Williams clip

I shared with all of my classes the clip from Dead Poet Society where Robin Williams asks his students:
"What will your verse be?"

I would like to give whoever is interested an opportunity to share one of your favorite Robin Williams clips.

In order to make it fair, I need you to post a comment to this post with the link to the clip and an explanation to how it ties to English class or school in general.

I will select the best explanation and show that clip on Friday (for periods 1,3,5) and Monday (for periods 2,4,6).
Looking forward to some great clips and explanations.

1 comment:


    I believe that this clip ties into school in general. The clip's message is to follow your dreams, not for physical things but for the enjoyment you get from it. If you truly love to do something, you should never be worn down by others. You should have the same compassion as the day you started.
