Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reading Questions for Chapters 3-8

If you have lost or never received the reading questions for Chapters 3-8 of A Lesson Before Dying here you are. I don't want to hear any excuses that you did not have the questions.

Chapter 3
1. What is the significance of the back door to Grant?
2. What is Miss Emma's plea with Mr. Henri?
3. "I want somebody to do something for me one time for I close my eyes." Why do you think Miss Emma makes this statement?

Chapter 4
4. How does Grant describe his girlfriend, Vivian?
5. What is Vivian and Grant's commitment?
6. What is causing conflict in Grant's life? (more than one thing)

Chapter 5
7. Decribe Grant's classroom.
8. How does Grant treat his students. Give an example.
9. How does Grant use Jefferson as a lesson for his students?

Chapter 6
10. What does the scene of Grant waiting in the kitchen show us about his character?
11. What is your impression of Mr. Guidry?
12. What arrangement is made in regards to Grant visiting Jefferson?

Chapter 7
13. Who came to visit the school?
14. Compare and contrast Grant's behavior as opposed to Dr. Joseph's behavior.
15. What is Dr. Joseph's commentary to Grant about his class?
16. How does Grant respond?

Chapter 8
17. What is distracting the class?
18. Grant begins to question himself about whether he is reaching the students or not. What does this tell us about him?
19. Who is Matthew Antoine? What was his suggestion to his students?

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